Kipina Kids Kemang

Rating 5 dari 7 Review

Taman Kanak-kanak
Kota Jakarta SelatanDaerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta


Kipina Kids Kemang terletak di Jl. Kemang Dalam V No.16, RT.3/RW.1, Bangka, Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta City, Jakarta 12730, Indonesia.

Kipina Kids Kemang ini merupakan Taman Kanak-kanak, yang berada di Kota Jakarta Selatan - Provinsi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta.

Taman Kanak-kanak ini memiliki Rating 5 dari total 7 orang yang mereview.

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Kipina Kids Kemang mendapatkan Rating rata-rata sebesar 5 dari total 7 orang yang melakukan review. Berikut merupakan beberapa komentar dari para reviewer mengenai Kipina Kids Kemang:

review Dian Djumhana
Minggu lalu anak saya coba trial di Kipina Kids kemang, ga nyangka sekolahnya bagus banget dan homey, ada di dalam komplek perumahan, jadi ga berisik dari kendaraan, dan yg bikin amazed, anak saya yang awalnya agak takut untuk datang ke sekolah, tapi pas dia lihat playgroundnya, dia ga mau pulang dan teachernya ramah sekali, bisa mingle ke anak saya. Kayaknya tahun depan akan saya daftarin anak saya ke Kipina deh, Kipina jadi bucket list saya pokoknya
Review Kipina Kids Kemang
review Erita Situmorang
Saya rekomendasi banget ya buat mami papi yang bingung cari sekolah anak yang tepat buat kebutuhan anak kita. Jeta termasuk anak yang speech delay. Untuk pertama kali panggil mami papi di usianya yg ke 3 thn 10 bulan. Senangnya bukan kepalang. Jadi saat ini jeta lagi belajar banyak vocabulary baru. Dia banyak mengejar ketertinggalannya dari teman sebayanya yang sudah merangkai kalimat yang panjang. Ini menjadi concern kami sebagai org tua. Kami cari sekolah yang menangkap situasi ini dan mau sabar untuk treat anak kami yang pastinya berbeda dgn anak lainnya. Mencari sekolah yang buat kita tenang saat kita kerja adalah pekerjaan tidak mudah. Beberapa sekolah kami datangi dan hanya Kipina yang menangkap semua kekuatiran kami ini yang kami rasakan. Kipina mengadop sistem pembelajaran di Finland. Suasana sekolah yang homie banget. Tidak hanya Jeta yang suka tapi juga kami langsung jatuh cinta. Miss El dan Miss Ayu yang menyambut kami dengan hangat dan ramah buat makin jatuh cinta. Ruangan kelas yang besar, pencahayaan alami maksimal, sirkulasi udara yang sangat baik, fasilitas bermain, toilet, penyimpanan tools dan mainan yang rapi, halaman yang tidak begitu luas tapi indah dengan rumput buatan yang nyaman, tangga yang memiliki handrail buat anak dan kolam renang kecil namun indah buat hati mamak ini meleleh. Cara Miss treat Jeta sangat manis. Jeta langsung mau digandeng Miss El, diajak berkeliling, diajak bermain, dan sesi tour itu berakhir dengan sangat berat bagi jeta untuk ke parkiran. Lokasi sekolah ada di dalam komplek perumahan. Parkir di area halaman sekolah tidak byk, tapi bisa parkir di luar. Sistem di sini anak ditinggal untuk belajar, mami papi tidak perlu menunggu, nanti tinggal jemput lagi aja ya dijam pulang. Pas jeta ikut mini summer camp, hanya jeta yg ditungguin, org tua yg lain langsung pulang.. maklum org tua nya jeta sebenarnya pengen ikutan sekolah. Nah penunggu hanya boleh di lobby ya. Jadi cukup bawa perlengkapan anak aja kasih Miss dan semua beres. So moms dads, yuk sekolah di sekolah yang sama dgn Jeta yukk... oh ya ini sekolah baru ya karena kipina baru buka cabang di kemang jadi klo join skrg anak-anak kita jadi angkatan pertama 2022-2023.
Review Kipina Kids Kemang
Review Kipina Kids Kemang
Review Kipina Kids Kemang
Review Kipina Kids Kemang
Review Kipina Kids Kemang
Review Kipina Kids Kemang
Review Kipina Kids Kemang
Review Kipina Kids Kemang
Review Kipina Kids Kemang
Review Kipina Kids Kemang
Review Kipina Kids Kemang
Review Kipina Kids Kemang
Review Kipina Kids Kemang
review Clarissa Sadira
Why Choose Kipina Our journey with Kipina began when we were searching school for our daughter, we found out that Kipina International preschool adapts the foundation of the Finnish National curriculum. And We learn that Finlad educational system is the best in the world, so we immediately register our daughter to Kipina. Our Impression about Kipina was : First, We admire the building and the facilities at Kipina , the school building doesn't feel like school but more of a playground, And our daughter favorite spot is the swimming pool on the school yard. They include swimming twice a month on their monthly activities. Second, All the teachers and the staff there was very Kind, Helpful, Warm, Loving, Caring and welcoming. Kipina is a place which is filled with positive energy and nurturing environmet, so by the time our daughter is entering the school, she's having no hard time making adjustments to the new environment and she already feels like home only the first few week. Third, They use Play based learning method -(which is suit very well with our daughter personality), she's a very active and vibrant person so she loves outdoor activities , and this method helps her to gain not only her focus but also her motor skills and social skills. The first two month she go there, she already enrich her vocabulary in english and start writting a few alphabet letters, and she loves to sing and dance as well. She learn about respect at school and she happily practice it at home. The Uniform is so cute and adorable she love it so much No homework !! so its very steressed free for both child and parents. She loves and enjoy going to school everyday and she feels sad when it comes to holiday. We are so happy and pleased with her progress at Kipina. Lastly what we love about Kipina is that they have "Kipina Parents Application" this apps is so usefull and help us get our child activities reports on daily basis and include their progress token throughout the week. So as a parents we feel included in our child growth and their learning experience. Sending our daughter to Kipina is definitely the best decisions we have ever made. Let's start at the Finnish! Proud Parents, Tommy & Clarissa
review Poppy Regina Olivia
I think choosing kipina kids school is the best decision that i and my husband ever made so far. Long before we found kipina, my son is in school for pre kindie, but on his old school he's not enjoyed and always crying afraid after we drop off him at the lobby (he has seperation anxiety) but here in kipina i almost forgot that he has that problem before. The school can help him out really well. He loves the environment, the learning system and also the teachers and staffs is really humble, welcome and warm to him that makes him really comfort and enjoyed school. Now he even crying if he cannot go to school because of common cold / something that make him can not. about the academic, my son always remember everything that he learnt at school, that makes me belief he learned the best when he was happy. Ohh last but not least. The principal is realllyy passionate about the young child growth that makes me relief and happy to talk with and asking for some parenting advice. Kipina not only teaching the kids but parents as well, since kipina frequently gave a parent workshop for free.. Kipina is surely the second home for children!
review ira praba
Looking for school for our two kids during this Covid -19 is really hell of a job.....curriculum, distance from our home, cleanliness, safety and health protocols are most of our concern..... After been around in South Jakarta area and did trial in 4 different schools with no success, one Saturday morning while we were doing routine exercise with our two children, we passed by a new renovated house that looks like a summer camp school... we entered and asked one of the staff..and found out it's apparently a pre-school ...Our children were excited and like the school.. clean... comfortable... many toys... Apparently mom found one (Kipina-fifth school visited) that meet our expectation... its curriculum, syllabus, method of teaching, great environment, comfort and convenient teachers are so dedicated and caring and above all its just few minutes drive from our home... Mom pretty much happy as our children who are in K1 and N2 showed a great progress and improvements since they study in Kipina... Some of their progress among others: 1. Eye contact when they speak .... This was a major progress.. Both teachers and us constantly teach our children to have eye contact when they speak.... 2. Goes without saying our children vocabulary and conversion are improving.... 3. Being a student in the school, they are taught how to appreciate others, being manner, sharing and helping one another 4. With regards to their motoric, the teachers patiently teach and they now know to hold pencil properly and write letters (still messy though) 5. One of the amazing approach that the school introduce was the Literature week... both parents and children were put in a situation to doing home .."Reading Books Together".... This turned out a great reading habit for our children....super amazing.. our children (N2 and K1) are now read books before bed.. 6. Kipina Active learning Method no doubt very suitable for our super active children....15 minutes outdoor activities before class is very effective... makes our children more focus and sit tight and able to pay attention to their teachers 7. One another thing that is helpful for parent is Kipina Platform, whereby we are updated children activities on daily basis .. ... this is honestly one of the best communication between teachers -Parents 8. We are very impressed with the teachers, staffs and all other schhol personnel... as they are very attentive and patient to the children and among parents are cooperative to one another, supportive, sharing some valuable information, understanding about our children plus and minus, exchanging ideas, whenever there are some home works from school, group moms WA chats help a lot as some of us are busy...though we are come from different nationalities... Salute To Kipina.... Cheers, Ira
review Anton Nidi
I was visiting Kipina. I like the facility and the environment in there... The teacher and staff were very informative and i think i will consider my son to join Kipina next year. Thanks Kipina
review Selamanya Cinta
This pre school the best

*Seluruh komentar dan review mengenai Kipina Kids Kemang, kami dapatkan dari data review di Google Maps. Sumber : LINK GOOGLE MAPS.

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