English Day

Rating 5 dari 93 Review

KursusSekolah Perhotelan Dan PariwisataPusat Pelatihan
Kabupaten KarangasemBali


English Day terletak di Jl. Nenas, karang sokong, Subagan, Kec. Karangasem, Kabupaten Karangasem, Bali 80861, Indonesia.

English Day ini merupakan Kursus, Sekolah Perhotelan Dan Pariwisata, Pusat Pelatihan, yang berada di Kabupaten Karangasem - Provinsi Bali.

Kursus ini memiliki Rating 5 dari total 93 orang yang mereview.

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English Day mendapatkan Rating rata-rata sebesar 5 dari total 93 orang yang melakukan review. Berikut merupakan beberapa komentar dari para reviewer mengenai English Day:

review nita sugiantari
I want to tell you about my experience when I was studying at English Day. I got a lot of learning about correct basic English. The learning process is very exciting and the teachers have a lot of experience and friendly. The material is presented very easy to understand.
review Ni Kadek Ariani
I am very happy study at English day because the lesson is very easy to understand so l can speak English well. I can study structure in English. I study from basic English start from writing, listening, speaking, and reading. Thank you
review gede rangga
Thank you very much for English day for the language experience. I Am Happy When I Study Here. English day is the best place to learn English.
review Ni Wayan Suriyani
Okay. I am very happy at English day. Because the teacher is also very friendly and i got a lot of inspiration, motivation and inspiration. At English day i studied 4 basic that need to be learn. Namely writing, listening, speaking and reading. I am very happy and my parents are happy too. i can speak English because i study at English day and i am gratefull to English day. Oke thank you...
review Bagus Dipa
So i want to tall you about my axperience when i was studying at english day aducation. In first day i tought about basic material english for example, how to make quastion, spelling name someone and many more about basic english and in first day i didn't know about basic english but in next day i have understood about basic english and i'm so happy learning at english day. Compared with before at english day and my teacher tought about how to greet speeking english. Thank you english day.
review Ananda Devi
I'm so happy studying at english day because,i can learn to communicate and speak to the public using english. I like learning english because english makes it easy for us to carry out activities. Nowadays almost all activities are related to english. Thank you
review Wiswa adi
hi.. my name is I Gede Wiswa Adi Gangga iam from Abang, karangasem. iam very happy about learning at english day. because this course is very suitable for practicing speaking,reading,listening,and writing. the teacher is very friendly and very cool. i study for 3 months. every day i have to send learning videos that's makes me very fun. i recommend you to practice speaking and also your english skills here.
review Wayan Widiarta
Thank you very much for the English day for the language experience, I am happy and proud because I can study and become a student here and of course increase my knowledge in the field of English for tourism and study here is very fun, the teachers are friendly and friendly. good for making learning comfortable
review Serinten 16
Thank you for English Day for teach me how to improve my English language, this is the first time i join English course but i really enjoy it, the teachers are very friendly and smart, everyday they make sure i can learn something new to save it in my head not only writing but also speaking and listening. Believe me, who was read this review, you Will not boring to study here. I really like it to come here, because the location is easy to find and then English Day has a good facilities to study, the rooms are very clean include with AC to make the students who join the course feel comfortable . English Day make the English language is easy to learn,and now i really feel the advantage. Thank you English Day
review Igede Yasa
English day is the best place Ive ever found in Karangasem city. In this institution I can learn English starting from how to make sentences with the correct grammar and tense and I am very happy to study at English Day, hopefully in the future English Day will be more advanced and successful
review Yogi Sugiantara
Hari Bahasa Inggris adalah yang terbaik dan terakreditasi A dalam program pelatihan Bahasa Inggris. Di sana saya mendapat pelajaran seperti berbicara, membaca, menulis dan praktek di setiap pelajaran. karena saya belajar di sini, saya bisa berkomunikasi bahasa Inggris saya dengan lebih baik
review Danil Dwi Kencana
English Day is an A-accredited institution with english language and hospitality training programs, with good quality teaching staff. here I get some lessons such as reading, writing, speaking and listening, i study here because i want to increase my knowledge in the field of english tourism because studying here i get the language skills to work on cruise ships. thank you very much Mr. Edi and Mrs Nopi i am happy in class English Day
review Ari Novita
Terima kasih hari bahasa inggris untuk belajar selama 3 bulan. Di sana saya mendapatkan beberapa pembelajaran, seperti berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. Saya juga mendapatkan latihan setiap pembelajaran. Sejak saya belajar di sini, saya bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris. Dan kemudian kelasnya bagus. Untuk fasilitas kamar saya dapat AC. Untuk fasilitas belajar saya mendapatkan bekal untuk belajar.
review Agus Suardana
Thank you English day for your knowledge. I love speaking, writing, listening and reading in English. Thank you very much
review Agus Astawa
Thank you for English day for the knowledge , its help me so much to my career , before i join this course i feel so worry that i cant speak English, but when i finished this course i feel more confident to speak with tourist. Learn English in English Day is very fun, the rooms are very make me so comfortable , and of course the teachers teach me very patient ,step by step . Thank you English Day. Every day is English day
review Dhewanti Puspita Sari
Terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Pak Edi dan English Day yang telah mengajar dan membantu saya meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris. Saya sangat bangga menjadi salah satu siswa disana, tempat yang sangat menyenangkan untuk belajar bahasa inggris. Ilmu yang saya peroleh sebelumnya dapat saya terapkan ke hotel tempat saya bekerja sekarang.
review Ary Lavigne
Thank you for everything very fun class with professional Teacher Mr. Edi and Mrs Novi. They were really patient and friendly. I really enjoy the way they teach me more than the other class Ive been join before. I dont believe I review them like this until I find them in English Day Now Im start to work at the Hotel, I never been imagine I could reach this point without them. Thank you so Much, Im looking forward to join another program to improve my english skill more in further.
review yantii Wawi
English day is the best place that I had ever found in Karangasem city. In this institution I can learn english start from how to make sentence with correct gramar and tense. And my experience, before I came to English Day I can not speak english. And after I came in this institution I already understood how to speak english with correct gramar and tense. And I recomend to you if you confuse to look for english institution, English Day is correct place for you to improve your english.
review Sutiana 2802
terima kasih hari bahasa inggris karena telah mengajariku berbicara bahasa inggris. Belajar di sini membuat saya lebih memahami tenses dan cara berbahasa Inggris yang baik. Tempat belajarnya sangat nyaman. Di hari inggris aku bisa mendapat teman baru dan pengalaman baru. Terima kasih banyak hari bahasa inggris, saya bisa bekerja di hotel
review Bintang pranata Pranata
thank you very much for the english day for the language experience, i am happy to be able to learn and be a student on english day and i can increase my knowledge in the field of english for tourism and studying here is very fun, the teachers are friendly and friendly.
review Putu Sudiasih
English day adalah tempat terbaik untuk belajar bahasa inggris, dan gurunya juga saya sangat menyukainya selain ramah, cara mengajarnya juga bagus sehingga saya mudah memahaminya. Terima kasih hari bahasa inggris
review Susiantary 2106
thank you english day studying here helps me a lot to improve my english. i like studying on english day because the place to study is very comfortable. besides that the teacher is also kind and friendly often motivates me to be able to speak english properly and correctly
review Kadek Yogi Mahendra
English Day is an A-accredited institution with English language and hospitality training programs and English Day is one of the best and best certified institutions. I recommend this English day for a place to study and look for a certificate for those of you who want to focus on studying english and tourism
review Wulan Darmayanti
For English Day My big thanks for giving me a lot knwoledge especially for english language. Now, i can speak english fluently and this pleace also very comfortable because far from the crowd. Beside that all teacher like Mr Edi and Mrs novi very friendly with me and give me the leassons with precisely and thoroughly
review Yogakurniawan Yoga
Thank you so much for english day. Im so proud can study here because this program can make my future goals come true Here i can practice my skills in english and also for speaking and writing.
review surya dinata
Terima kasih english day, dari sini saya bisa mendapat banyak ilmu dan pengalaman tentang bahasa inggris, saya bisa mengerti bahasa inggris, cara membaca dan berbicara dengan lancar. Tempat belajarnya juga sangat nyaman, instrukturnya ramah. Dan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada English Day karena mengajari kami bahasa Inggris yang sangat berguna
review Adi Arsa
I think English Day is a very good English course because I got a lot of lessons on how to speak English properly and correctly. And get a lot of new friends and new experiences.
review Luhyesi Trisnayanti
English day is the best place to learn english thank you very much english day for teaching me english. So i can speak english and hopefully more will take this class
review Irma Riski Dewi
Thank you very much for the language experience, i am very happy and proud because i can learn and be a student here and of course increase my knowledge in the field of English and fyi guys learning here is very fun, the teacher is friendly and kind make learning comfortable.
review Ananda Satya
Thank you very much for the english day for the language experience. I am Happy when I am Learn Here. English Day Is the best Place To Learn English.
review Ari Indra
this is the best place where i can learning english. this institution has best teacher, and comfortable place. so, if you want to learn English, i recommend this place. thankyou so much for English Day
review Ame Suparmadi
English day is a very suitable place to learn English and has been accredited A in Karangasem. if you want to seriously learn english come here.
review Weda Suardana
This place is very interesting because in this place i study communication.the palce is comfortable and the teacher is friendly. I am very glad studying in this place,i can practice speaking,reading,listening and i can improve my skill in english,tahnkyou english day
review Subandya Kadek
Thank you very much for the english day for the langguage experience i am happy and proud because i can study and here i get some learning,such as speaking,reading,and writing.
review komang aprik
Thank you english day for giving me knowledge. Before I came in this institution I cannot reading writing and speaking in english and now already understand. Miss Novi and Mr Edy are also very friendly and patiently to teach me
review Alifia Ghina aziizah
Thank you so much for english day, especially for Mr Edy and Mrs Novita. I can speak english well, and when I learn there, I got the best experience and knowledge
review Kadek Sudarmika
my experience in the english day program i can learn english, the teacher is good, and i have a lot of friends
review Fernando Hadi
Thankyou english day. I have very inportant knowledge. English and tourism knowledge for better future. If you want improve you skill come to this place
review Okta ryan
Talking about English , it is streng for people , here iam very happy study at english day karangasem , there is much that i get knowledge at english day , thank you very much english day , i hope i can go to the cruise ship
review Putu Parwika
Belajar bahasa inggris di english day sangatlah menyenangkan dan pelajarannya sangat mudah untuk dipahami. cepat kemari dan jadikan bahasa inggrismu lebih baik!!
review Edi Saras
thank you for english day because i got a lot of lessons about how to speak english properly and correctly. and make lots of new friends and new experiences.
review Agus Destanaya
good place to learn english, and now my speaking, reading and writing is better. thank you very much English day
review Aviel Ardi Ferdinand
I love study in english day, everyday we always study something new ,, thx for ED that make us be more gently and love about english
review Hay Taaa
English Day adalah tempat terbaik dan nyaman untuk belajar bahasa Inggris dan materi lainnya Terima kasih hari bahasa inggris saya suka tempat ini
review Angga Ekayuda
english day is a good place to learn english and from i dont know speak english now we understand in speaking.This program is good in Karangasem
review zainudin zia
terima kasih, saya sangat menyukai tempat ini, karena saya bisa belajar bahasa Inggris dengan sangat baik. Kedepannya semoga anak-anak kelak dapat belajar bahasa inggris di tempat ini
review putu ariawan
in this place i can learn english easily starting from speaking,reading,listening,grammer and much more i like this place thank you very much ENGLISH DAY
review Yuniari
Thank you englis day,, i m happy to study here, because the place in comfortable and pleasant, here i get a lot of knowledge i canbe calm and get a lot of experience
review Marta Widnyana
The best place to study english in karangasem so if you want to make your english batter and quickly .come here
review rama doni
Thank you for englis day. Iam very happy to study at englis day and thaks to englis day I got the opportunity to train at one of hotels
review Bala Putra
Best English course in Amlapura city, free to learn about English. friendly teacher, good place.
review Niketut Suartini
English day is a very good place to learn english in karangasem
review Mertayasa Kendi
Thanks you english day ffor 3 very memorabe months thanks to english day i can get very useful knowledge and i really proud this institution
review Deayu Deviyanti
English is good, make me confident for speak english. Thank you so much . Amed Lodge Team
review Made Pinte
Good place to study English, now I can speak English fluently thank you very much
review Febriyantini Luhputu
Thank you for teacher english day and thank you very much for knowledge ..i can implement the knowledge i gained before To the hotel where i work now
review Niwayan Yuniartini
Terima kasih untuk seluruh hari berbahasa Inggris Semua tentang pengetahuan yang baik dan guru yang baik hati Saya mendapatkan lebih banyak pengetahuan tentang bahasa inggris
review I Gede Nesa Sudivta
Taking english course at english day i can be a good guide. Thank you english day
review miikee Project
Thank you for english day, from i cant speak english until i can speak english, lets join english day
review Bagus Adi YS
English Day a very fun place to learn english
review Nia
thank you to english day for the knowledge that has been given to me,now i can speak english very well
review Oka Wahyuni
Thank you for giving the best chance like this. It is very useful experience ive ever had.
review i gede septian hendrayana
Thank you so much for english day. You helping me so much to improve my english.
review Pani Selantari
Dengan pelajaran ini saya mengetahui struktur dan tata bahasanya Terima kasih hari inggris
review Mardika Putu
thank you for english day for teaching me to speak good and correct english
review Eka Yuli
Thank you for english day. I can speak english well.
review Ketut Juniati
Pengetahuanmu bagus Terima kasih
review adi sujana
Easy to reach. I like it
review Nyoman Simpen
good service. thank you...
review Ida bagus Ardhi
review IWayan Simpen
Thank you english day
review Suartini Made
English is very important.......
review Mawa bawartha
Quite and good place
review Kadek kariani
review Fenny Ayodia17
English is very important

*Seluruh komentar dan review mengenai English Day, kami dapatkan dari data review di Google Maps. Sumber : LINK GOOGLE MAPS.

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